Monday, November 1, 2010

Brazil's first female

Brazil has elected a female as President for the first time in its history.  Dilma Rousseff is thought to be the best chance for the country to continue its Economic and social policies that have been successful under President Lula da Silva

32 wounded in bombing

A suicide bomber in Istanbul killed 32 yesterday in a crowded area of the city.  Reports say 15 or the victims were police officers and the other 17 were civilians. Officials are unsure who is behind the bombing but are calling it a terrorist attack
The three hikers who are being accused of espionage said that they accidently crossed the border into Iraq.  They are blaming a guard who was protecting the border for giving them flase directions and not informing them that they were  about to cross into Iraq

Kennedy Counselor Dies

Theodore Sorensen died sunday at the age of 82. He was a writer and counselor to the Kennedy administration.  He was Kennedys lead speech writer as well. He wrote the speech that kennedy gave during the Bay of Pigs as well as wrote the letter that was sent to Russia.

Bomb plot shows hole in intelligence

the woman who dropped the bomb off in yemen that was to be mailed to chicago presented a fake id when she dropped the bomb off at the airport. The bomb traveled on 4 planes before it was discovered. Two of the planes were passenger planes. Intelligence needs to step up when it comes to security identification and fake id's

Candidates are making finals arguements

With the election growing near, the election for congress is heating up as representatives are making their finals pleas to voters for why they (republicans or democrats) should take control of congress.

young voters feel abandoned

the young voting population is feeling like Obama has abandoned them and are showing less and less support than they did in 2008 when they helped lead the charge of getting Obama elected. Obama had 66% of the 18-26 year old votes, which was a record for the presidential election